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Company Description

Collabora Productivity provides Collabora Online: an open-source solution for document editing and collaboration, complemented by desktop and mobile apps for seamless multi-platform support. Collabora Productivity provides support subscriptions via hundreds of trusted partners worldwide. Together they deliver document and productivity excellence integrated with our partners product and service offerings. With a strong focus on Open-Source, Digital Sovereignty and GDPR compliance, Collabora Productivity and partners deliver a secure, interoperable solution for deploying in organizations at scale.

CEO Biography

Michael Meeks runs Collabora’s Productivity division making Open Source rock around Office Productivity and documents, particularly Collabora Online and other products based on LibreOffice.

Michael is a Christian and enthusiastic Open Source developer. He runs Collabora’s Office division, leading our Collabora Online and Office products, supporting customers and partners alongside our extremely talented team. He has served as a Director of the The Document Foundation and has contributed to both ODF and OOXML standardization. Prior to Collabora he gained a wide experience as a Novell/SUSE Distinguished Engineer working on various pieces of Free Software infrastructure across the Linux stack to from the base-system, boot-time, MeeGo, GNOME, CORBA, Nautilus, Evolution and Open Source accessibility, among others.


Collabora Productivity provides Collabora Online, an open-source solution for editing and collaboration, alongside a range of other products and consulting services tailored to enterprise and government needs. With the largest team of certified LibreOffice engineers globally, we are dedicated to contributing to the LibreOffice codebase and community. Our business-hardened office suite, Collabora Online for browser and Collabora Office for desktop, ensures long-term, multi-platform support. Additionally, we extend our services with Collabora Office for iOS and Android.

Press Releases



Collabora Online
Supported version

Collabora Online Development Edition
Free, unsupported

Collabora Office

Collabora Office for iOS and Android
Mobile Apps

Collabora Online
Logotype variant for dark backgrounds (limited use)

Collabora Online Logo

Collabora Online Development Edition
Logotype variant for dark backgrounds (limited use)

Collabora Office
Logotype variant for dark backgrounds (limited use)

Collabora Office for iOS and Adnroid
Logotype variant for dark backgrounds (limited use)

Collabora Productivity
Default logotype (preferred)

Collabora Productivity
Logotype variant for dark backgrounds (limited use)

Default logotype (preferred)

Logotype variant for dark backgrounds (limited use)


We use the Collabora Productivity parent brand logo to represent the entire Collabora Productivity ecosystem including the company, products and services. It appears in places where people encounter all of our offerings, such as web pages covering setting up or working with Collabora Online, Collabora Office, Collabora Integrations or events hosted by the Collabora Productivity brand.

The parent brand lockup of icon + wordmark is the preferred usage for partnerships, co-branding, and in media articles.The icon should never be used to represent a single product in the line. Our products have their own unique marks.If you need any other materials, formats or resolutions please do not hesitate to reach out to us at ~ 396 kB
Download all logos in a .zip file.



Montserrat is the font used to create the logo lockups for Collabora Productivity products.
License: OFL (SIL Open Font License)
Designer: Julieta Ulanovsky


Carlito is the font we use as our secondary typeface for use in paragraph text and small elements.
License: OFL (SIL Open Font License)
Designer: Lukasz Dziedzic

Colour Palette


RGB: 92/41/131

HEX: #5c2983

CMYK: 75/90/10/10

Pantone: Medium Purple U

Dark Purple

RGB: 46/26/71

HEX: #2e1a47

CMYK: 75/90/10/40

Pantone: 2765U


RGB: 64/186/47

HEX: #40ba2f

CMYK: 69/0/100/0

Pantone: 7488U


RGB: 186/35/35

HEX: #ba2323

CMYK: 0/81/81/27

Dark Red

RGB: 111/21/21

HEX: #6f1515

CMYK: 0/81/90/56

Dark Grey

RGB: 60/60/62

HEX: #3c3c3e

CMYK: 0/0/0/85

Pantone: 419U

Medium Grey

RGB: 139/139/137

HEX: #8b8b89

CMYK: 33/26/28/12

Pantone: 42U

Light Grey

RGB: 206/208/210

HEX: #ced0d2

CMYK: 0/0/0/17

Pantone: Cool Grey 3U


RGB: 255/255/255

HEX: #ffffff

CMYK: 0/0/0/0

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